Client Work

Joel Sartore Photography
A website redesign to handle 44,000 stock photos. Built on WordPress and ElasticSearch, with custom e-commerce.
The redesign supported a miniseries premiere on PBS and boosted fundraising sales by $12,000/month, even after the miniseries ended.

Foundation for Child Development
A website migration and redesign from Drupal to WordPress.
My content audit and usability testing revealed easy-to-fix problems; with those fixes, the redesign organically increased visits 35% and e-mail signups 280%.

Jamie Leeds Restaurant Group
A WordPress multisite redesign for six restaurant locations across three concepts.
The redesign reduced admin by ~3 hours/week, increased website reservations 3-5%, and saved $6,000/year in fees.
Teaching and Workshops

UX Fundamentals
A free MOOC in user-centered design principles for websites and mobile apps. 19,000 students and counting.

Coding for Designers
A free, self-paced introductory course to HTML and CSS for designers with graphic design experience. 20,000 students and counting.

The Center for Digital Imaging Arts
From 2008-2012, I was director of Web Design and Development for the Boston University Center for Digital Imaging Arts. I taught more than 1,800 classroom hours and was the highest rated instructor for two years.
Skill Building Experiments

Cold as F_ck
A curseword-based scale for temperature, based on a six-month analysis of 5,400 tweets using phrases like "it's cold as hell." (Hell's median temperature: 48°F.)

Improvisational Powerpoint
Creates presentations based on speech. Uses Web Speech Recognition, a natural language processor, and the Flickr API.

Software for Empathy
This Chrome extension modifies web pages to simulate poor vision, shaky hands, the gender pay gap, and more.